project News

//project News

Kashan Wastewater Project – Inaugural ceremonies of Kashan Wastewater Project

In a trip to Kashan on Jan. 13, 2019, Dr. Eshaq Jahangiri, president’s 1st deputy along with Dr. Ardkanian went to the site of Kashan wastewater treatment plant and officially put into operation the 2nd Module of Wastewater Treatment Plant and part of Wastewater Collection Network Project (financed by the Islamic Development Bank), which were [...]

By |February 24th, 2019|News, project News|۰ Comments

End of ISO 9001:2015 external audit

As the external audit took place for the ninth consecutive year, the company succeeded in obtain ISO 9001-2015. Efforts made by all managers and experts in implementing and updating quality management system in relevant processes and cooperating with the Systems Quality and Development Unit is hereby appreciated. It is evident that wholesome support of the [...]